Stuff We Liked: Swingers on “Common Knowledge”, Harlem’s Fashion Icon Lana Turner, Swing Revitalizes Cities

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A month ago we reported that swing dancers Jack Chen, Susan Samson, and Paul Samson were going to be competing on the TV game show “Common Knowledge” soon. Well their episode aired recently and they did great! Not only did they make it to the final round, but they also got to demo a bit of high flying lindy hop. Here’s the full episode below:

Nice work, Paul, Susan, and Jack! (And we had no idea what the February birthstone was either!)

Other Stuff We Liked:

  • We’re huge fans of Lana Turner, an avid swing dancer and an icon in the Harlem fashion scene. So we loved this feature on Lana in the Zoe Report. Lana talks about how she got into fashion at a young age, where she acquires her pieces (600 hats!), and her ecclectic aesthetic.

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  • Upworthy has a cheerful piece on how lindy hop exchanges are helping to revitalize city centers, by focusing on their jazz roots, with a focus on “Save the Palladium Ballroom” campaign and  the Nevermore Jazz Ball in St. Louis, MO. This is a great example of how a lindy event can give back to the community it takes place in. Take note, swing organizers!

Photo Credit: Christian Frommelt

Photo Credit: Christian Frommelt

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